Microsoft doesn’t really provide help (or has really poor forum support)

August 24th, 2012 by admin Leave a reply »

I have been working on a Windows Azure web project and I got the website looking pretty decent in a web browser so I thought I would try to start getting it formatted for an iPad.  Well in order to do that the only good way to see the changes is to run a simulator, well, that is turning out to not be perfect cause it can’t simulate things like going portrait and some other things that only a native IOS application can do.  I found out about a tool called Adobe Shadow, you can find out more about it HERE.  Its basically a tool that will allow you to display a webpage on multiple devices like Kindles, iPhones, iPads and many other devices over your local network.  While this may not even be possible in a local environment, I would have appreciated at least some kind of response saying so, instead what the moderator did was go ahead and mark another clarifying statement as the answer, so much for tech support from Microsoft, I guess you are out on your own, I have the link below to let you see the response I got from Microsoft about this issue


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