My take on Windows 8

August 22nd, 2012 by admin Leave a reply »

Well, in my last post I was pretty hesitant about installing windows 8, especially on my development machine, but my overall initial impression on it at this point is good, although it does have a few little annoyances that I am not particularly fond of.

The installation process was pretty fast I have to admit and so far all of my applications are working just fine, photoshop, dreamweaver, TortoiseSVN, Git, which was really nice to see.

Shutting down is kind of a pain, I will need to look into seeing if there is a shortcut key to shut it down fast, but for now  you have to hover your mouse down in the right hand corner and then click on Settings->Power->and then click on ‘Shut Down’.  That is far too many steps for a desktop, but nothing big to complain about at this point.  The biggest annoyance for me at this point is the weird transitioning between the Live Tile screen and the desktop.  The worst experience for me so far is the Messenger app they have on here, I got full screen with that and I am not sure how to get out of that at  this point, surely there is a way.

The file copy routine was one of my biggest gripes about Windows 7 and from what I am seeing with Windows 8 its at least 40% faster, just from what I am seeing, I haven’t actually clocked it or anything, just what I saw from my backing up on windows 7 and then doing the same backup on windows 8.  Overall I am happy with the new OS, its not the best thing since sliced bread, and I wouldn’t upgrade if it wasn’t free for sure.  Also, a word of advice is to learn the keyboard shortcuts, or print out a list, HERE is a link.  Feel free to ask me questions and I will try to answer them or find an answer for you, hope this helps.


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